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Viziunea futurista > Sant’Elia

Antonio Sant’Elia, arhitect de profesie, recunoscut prin miscarea futurista la care a luat parte intre 1912 si 1914, face o serie de schite  “Citta Nouva” in care  ilustratreaza orasul in epoca noua, cea a masinilor, a industrialului, a viitorului, cu accente de art nouveau. Ideile avangardiste au fost expuse cu putin inaintea manifestului de arhitectura a lui Marinetti din 1914.

Citat din ”Messaggio”:

“We must invent and rebuild the Futurist city like an immense and tumultuous shipyard, agile, mobile and dynamic in every detail; and the Futurist [apartment] house must be like a gigantic machine. The lifts must no longer be hidden away like tapeworms in the niches of stairwells; the stairwells themselves, rendered useless, must be abolished, and the lifts must scale the lengths of the façades like serpents of steel and glass. The house of concrete, glass and steel, stripped of paintings and sculpture, rich only in the innate beauty of its lines and relief, extraordinarily “ugly” in its mechanical simplicity, higher and wider according to need rather than the specifications of municipal laws. It must soar up on the brink of a tumultuous abyss: the street will no longer lie like a doormat at ground level, but will plunge many stories down into the earth, embracing the metropolitan traffic, and will be linked up for necessary interconnections by metal gangways and swift-moving pavements.”

Desi nu a proiectat nimic si a murit tanar la 28 ani in Primul Razboi Mondial, impactul asupra arhitecturii a fost cu atat mai mare cu cat a fost implicat in miscarea futurista chiar de Marinetti, cel care a avut grija ca ideile sale sa ajunga la urechile tuturor, chiar si la cele ale DaDa-istilor.

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